HBS — Healthcare Billing Services, Inc.
55 High Street, Carroll, Ohio 43112
Phone: (740)639-4218 • Fax: (740)639-4217

55 High Street
Carroll, Ohio 43112


MSP Cost Report and Final Settlement Update

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) is working on the Cost Reporting and Final Settlement process. Cost Reports should be filed within 18 months of the end of the school fiscal year (SFY), with Final Settlements paid within 24 months of the end of the SFY. The 21/22 Cost Report is the upcoming Cost Report filing that must be filed through The Ohio Department of Medicaid’s PNM system by the Treasurer.

ODM sends out adjudication orders for the Final Settlement of each SFY Cost Report. If you have no questions or concerns regarding the adjudication order, please sign and return the waiver as soon as possible to ensure timely reimbursement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your adjudication order, please contact Shelly Jolley.

For tracking purposes, please send a copy of the adjudication order to Shelly Jolley.


Cost Report/Final Settlement School Fiscal Year (SFY)

2019/20 Year 11 Cost Settled June 2022
2020/21 Year 12 Cost Settled June-August 2023
2021/22 Year 13 Cost Settled June-August 2024
2022/23 Year 14 Cost Report in Process, due 12/31/2024
2023/24 Year 15 Last School Year, Cost Report Prep to Begin 1/1/24, due 12/31/2025
2024/25 Year 16 Current School Year, Cost Report due 12/31/2026
2025/26 Year 17 Next School Year, Cost Report due 12/31/2027

Your main Cost Reporting contact at HBS is Shelly Jolley – Sjolley@teamhbs.com

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