HBS — Healthcare Billing Services, Inc.
55 High Street, Carroll, Ohio 43112
Phone: (740)639-4218 • Fax: (740)639-4217

55 High Street
Carroll, Ohio 43112


About HBS

At HBS, we are truly honored to serve over 450 Ohio school districts in the Ohio Medicaid School Program. For over 30 years, we have been providing Medicaid billing services to Ohio providers.

Our dedicated staff takes extreme pride in providing excellent service to our clients. We work closely with the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce and the Ohio Department of Medicaid to build a solid and long lasting school Medicaid program. Our extensive knowledge of the Ohio Medicaid School Program is what makes HBS the leader in Ohio. Our goal is to get every district the Medicaid reimbursement that they are entitled to, while maintaining the integrity of Ohio’s Medicaid Program. We are very proud to be an Ohio company serving Ohio schools.

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