HBS — Healthcare Billing Services, Inc.
55 High Street, Carroll, Ohio 43112
Phone: (740)639-4218 • Fax: (740)639-4217
55 High Street
Carroll, Ohio 43112
In order to include “Contracted Therapy Costs” on the MSP Cost Report, there are specific procurement requirements that must be followed. School Districts must obtain 3 contract price comparisons for all MSP related therapy contacts that exceed the lessor of $25,000, or your district’s formal procurement threshold.
The following is a summary of the procurement requirements.
When the total contract amount exceeds the lesser of $25,000, or your district’s threshold, please document the following:
Include the following 3 statements in all MSP related contracts:
Contracts over $100,000
HBS has developed an optional “Contract Procurement Checklist” that can be helpful in documenting these MSP Contract Procurement Requirements. You can download it here.