HBS — Healthcare Billing Services, Inc.
55 High Street, Carroll, Ohio 43112
Phone: (740)639.4218 • Fax: (740)639.4217

55 High Street
Carroll, Ohio 43112


Our Services

HBS provides comprehensive Medicaid billing services to school districts in Ohio. We guide our clients through the entire process, from implementation to reporting, to ensure timely reimbursement and reduced administrative workload for school districts. Our focus is on the Medicaid School Program so you can focus on students.

Implementation Services

  • Compute a Medicaid reimbursement projection and cost estimate to determine if it is feasible for the LEA to participate in the Medicaid School Program.
  • Meet with LEA staff and explain the rules and requirements of the Ohio Medicaid School Program.
  • Assist the LEA with the process of obtaining a National Provider Identification (NPI) number and enroll as a Medicaid provider with the Ohio Department of Medicaid.

Training Services/Customer Support

  • Train district personnel on MSP documentation procedures and how to use the HBS Web Based Documentation system. (As requested by district)
  • Customer support is available by phone, email, website, or through our web based documentation system.
  • Live Webinar Trainings are available throughout the school year to give you a personalized training experience at a time and place that is convenient for you or your group.
  • Training Videos are always available through our web-based documentation system and are set up so that you can complete a full documentation training or watch a short video on a specific function.
  • Meet with district staff as requested on various topics such as Program Updates, Revenue Maximization, Program Compliance, and other MSP issues.

Administrative Services

  • Submit lists of district employed therapists to RMTS vendor for inclusion in the Random Moment Time Study. (Quarterly)
  • Verify Medicaid eligibility on all IEP students, and re-check on a quarterly basis.
  • Maintain Medicaid Parental Consent forms (PR-10) for all IEP Medicaid students and coordinate with district on missing forms.
  • Submit student data to the Ohio Department of Medicaid for the computation of the district’s Medicaid Eligibility Rate (MER). (Annually)

Claim Processing Services

  • Review all eligible service documentation to ensure that it is a billable service and that each claim contains the necessary elements required by the Medicaid School Program.
  • Submit eligible claims daily to the Ohio Department of Medicaid for processing.
  • Download district Medicaid payments weekly and resubmit any eligible claims.
  • Send Quarterly reporting to district on therapist compliance, Parental Consent forms needed, and other miscellaneous MSP issues.

Cost Reporting/AUP Audit

  • Prepare or assist the district in the preparation of the annual Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) report for eligible districts.
  • Prepare the MSP Cost Report and required schedules and work-papers, adhering to the rules and regulations set forth by the DEW and ODM. (Annually)
  • Coordinate the required AUP audit with your CPA firm and work with them on any outstanding issues.
  • Coordinate the ODM desk audit and work with auditors on any outstanding issues.
  • Compute annual Final Settlement estimate and verify with actual ODM Final Settlement computation.

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